Pallet of 2st 33 cm of special wood for mass stoves-dryers
Pallet of 2st 33cm of special wood for mass stoves Description:Pallet of two cubic meters of firewood dried in kilns specially produced for mass stoves. Controlled humidity...
Discover our complete range of quality firewood for sustainable and ecological heat. Whether you prefer traditional logs or compressed wood pellets, we have what you need to meet your energy needs.
Pallet of 2st 33cm of special wood for mass stoves Description:Pallet of two cubic meters of firewood dried in kilns specially produced for mass stoves. Controlled humidity...
The densified wood logs are mainly produced from softwood (100%). Their combustion produces a beautiful flame thanks to the softwood which does not clog the hearth because its...
Ballot of firewood special pizzeria Description:Bulk bale of dry firewood, dried in dryers and ready to use, specially designed for pizza ovens. Apparent volume: 2280 dm³...
The densified wood logs are mainly produced from softwood (100%) Their combustion provides a beautiful flame thanks to the softwood which does not clog the hearth because its...
Forest chips by 30m³ blower truck Description:Delivery of dry forest chips (30%) by 30m³ blower truck, specially designed for wood biomass boilers. Composition: Mixture of...
MAXI BUCHE densified wood is made in France, 100% natural and 100% hardwood. Ideal for use in all wood heating systems: fireplaces, stoves and inserts. A pallet of densified...
Bale of kiln-dried firewood - mixed hardwoods Description:Bulk bale of dry firewood (G1H1), kiln-dried, ready to use for fireplaces, stoves or inserts. Available dimensions:...